Monday, September 30, 2019

Sept. 30, 2019 -- Living in the Days of Noah (Off the Ark)

Hello hello everyone,

This week it rained a LOT. It almost always rains in the night, but there was one day especially when it was raining during the day. We are talking rain like you begin to doubt the need for your umbrella because you are already soaked and the roads are literally rivers of muddy water and buses are getting stuck and all sorts of craziness. I attached a picture of it. The water behind me is the street. 

Also, we have been with the zone leaders a little. We were walking around town and sometimes there are these cars with giant speakers on top and they blast out advertisements and things as they drive around. One of them passed us and said "Here we have four North Americans contracted by the church!" Kind of funny. I have made it to my first transfer! I am staying here with my same comp., which I am happy about.

The zone leaders had to stay the night with us. We do not have enough beds. The mission handbook also says to sleep in the same room but NOT the same bed. We decided four guys sharing three beds was probably still okay, so that's what we did. Haha, I also say "beds" but really just mean mattresses we put on the floor. 

Everyone here asks me if my hair is actually this color or if I dye it. I have seen two albinos, though, so I can relate to them!
I was offered alcohol the other night for the first time by a drunk. Needless to say, I turned it down. Another drunk introduced himself to us as "Chupacabra" and said he would come to church, but my confidence is not high, haha. 

The Ward Mission Leader's son showed me the new Mario Kart app. A little jealous. Never will beat the Wii version, though.

Also, this week I bought some powdered milk and cereal, so I am living the breakfast high life. 

Our mission president talked to us about how if obedience is a burden, we are going to get tired. However, if we can learn to not mind it or even enjoy it, we will be fine. Kind of like how for most of us, not smoking isn't a burden. We are glad we don't smoke. It changed my perspective a little to think about how that can be the same for small things. If we can learn to enjoy following all the rules, we will have a much easier time. Take the rocks out of the backpack.

See you all later!

Elder Harris

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