Monday, October 14, 2019

Oct. 14, 2019 -- The Work AND the Glory

Hello again one and all,

Officially have been on my mission for over 3 months! Time flies like crazy. I'm 1/8 done. Crazy. Things are going good here. Just for fun, here is a list of things I haven't done in several months now:
- Slept with a blanket
- Used a seatbelt
- Felt carpet

Haha. Even with all these crazy things, one thing that is more crazy to me than anything is how NORMAL everything feels. It's weird. I wake up and get out of my mosquito net and sometimes take a bucket shower. Our little house with two desks, a folding table and four chairs as the only furniture besides our mattresses feels comfortable and home-y. Eating fried bananas and tortillas and things all the time is just normal. Everything feels normal. I don't know how to explain how surreal that is. I like it here a lot. 

The other day I left my box of cereal out of the fridge for like half an hour and the bugs got into it. Got to watch out for them. Dang bugs.

In interviews with the Pres. they passed out pills to take to kill intestinal parasites. I don't think I have any but they had us take them anyway, so hopefully all is good, haha.

One thing I love stumbling upon is giant jungle trees. Sometimes you find ones that are just crazy huge, 100 feet tall with branches going out 50 feet on each side. Looks like something straight from the Jungle Book. There are also random soccer fields everywhere, sometimes in the middle of the jungle with bamboo goals or other times nice grass ones right off the highway. Lots of fun. 

The other day I was just having a great day. First of all, I found a place that sold a good sized scoop of ice cream for a quarter and it tasted super good. I was going out of my way to talk to everyone possible. It was work and sometimes it's a little stressful not knowing if you'll understand them, but it was just a lot of fun. It made me think that the more devoted we are to the work, the more blessed and happy we really are. Be all in. There is the famous scripture in Moses 1:39 about God's work and glory. My branch president in the MTC shared a cool thought with me that our mission can be our work AND our glory. It doesn't just have to be work, but we can glory in it and enjoy the work, not just wait it out until the work is over.

It is also really cool how God just puts cool people in your path. We've taught a couple lessons to some professional soccer players who gave us a ride through the rain. There's an inactive member we've been visiting that is a carpenter who makes really nice guitars and violins. I think Grandpa Harris would be very interested in seeing that and meeting him. There's also a member who was excommunicated and later rebaptized that is super cool and sometimes comes to teaching appointments with us. People are really the same wherever you go. 

Anyways, hasta luego everybody. Pictured are a scorpion on our wall, a random Utah Jazz license plate cover that I found, and a jungle road to some people we were teaching. Also tested out the underwater capabilities of my camera in one picture and the camera still works, so that is good. Good stuff.

Elder Harris

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