Saturday, February 8, 2020

Feb. 7, 2020 -- Planimal Planet

Hello hello and welcome to Friday P-Day.

So just to clarify, my new companion is the mission doctor, but he is not, in fact, a middle aged man. He just studied medicine at BYU for a year. He is a normal missionary. So anyways. I have been learning lots of stuff about rabies and medicine and missionaries who make bad health decisions through him and his phone calls. But I am super pumped to be here with Elder Bowman. We get along well and he is very cool. We are just working super hard and are both committed to being super obedient, so this is just way fun. 

These last transfers while we were waiting around for our companions, the only ones in the office that weren't in a meeting for trainers were Elder Gunderson, Elder McMillan, and I. They were my MTC comp and other district member from our legendary district of 4 people 6'2'' and up in the MTC. Speaking of the MTC, I have a theory. They give us these nice leather scriptures in spanish, but I think they are like the factory seconds that just have a tiny defect so they can't sell them! Mine had one page that didn't have the tab cut out in the middle of the indentation and my comp had some other tiny thing wrong. If anyone can confirm, please do.

A lady here gave us some cookies from Canada! That was fun. They were good. This week we did some deep cleaning and I weeded . . . inside the house! First time doing that. This week there was also an air show here, so they were practicing over the city which was super cool. We are talking jets roaring overhead so close that you can see the little parts and details. They were doing loops with smoke trails, falling straight down and pulling up last minute, and all sorts of things. That was fun to see while we walking between appointments. 

This week we were walking up a dark street and hear, "Hermanos, catch that rabbit!" and then the rabbit comes running towards us. My companion shot and missed, but I caught it by the foot. First time catching a rabbit with nothing but my bare hands. Future hunting skill, maybe. But, we were able to put an appointment to go back and visit the lady for whom we caught the rabbit, so that was pretty nice. 

This week we also shared a super cool object lesson we have done with tons of people. Then we went back later and the family told us that it was a trick of the devil like when he told Jesus to turn stones into bread and that they didn't want to go to church. So that was too bad. I don't think I've ever had an object lesson go quite so poorly. Things like that are always discouraging even when it is just crazy people and not really your fault. 

As the doctor, my companion has to be in the mission office two days a week just in the morning, so sometimes I help the secretaries out with stuff. This week I went with one to the center of San Salvador because we had to buy a bus ticket for an elder. I saw the national palace, a big catholic cathedral, and some cool street art. We also drove past a Cannondale store, and I wanted more than anything to stop and go in. I do miss a pretty bike.

Today for P-Day, my comp and the secretaries went to a place called Los Planes. It is sort of like the El Salvador version of Bear Lake Shakes but with pupusas. Anyways, it is super famous and was a lot of fun. We went to a place called Boomwalos, which was a super cool place with three stories of open-air restaurant tables and cool decorations like barrels and wagon wheel chandeliers and stuff. It was super cool and had an incredible view of all of Centro. 

I also completely robbed an idea from Chipper and drew Planimal Planet on our planning board. I find it somewhat humorous.

Here is a spiritual thought from our mission president. He said that a lot of our happiness depends on our attitude about the commandments. We all have commandments from God that we need to live by. He said that if you happily comply, it is like cotton that we're carrying. But if the commandments become a burden, it is like carrying about big rocks. We have to carry the commandments no matter what, but we can decide if it is something easy or hard. If we make the commandments a burden, we're going to get tired and bitter, but if we enjoy them, we feel light and free. Kind of like how for most members of the church, not drinking coffee isn't a problem or a big regret. It's just cotton. I hope that makes sense.

Anyways, see you all on the flip side.

Elder Harris

The pictures are Planimal Planet, me in front of the new house, and the cool view in Los Planes.

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