Thursday, July 9, 2020

July 7, 2020 -- "Go save the world! Go, go go!"

"And this is the account of Abraham and his brethren, their journeyings in the land of Las Vegas, their sufferings in the land, their sorrows, and their afflictions, and their incomprehensible joy..."
Alma 28:8 (slightly modified)

I definitely stole that idea from my Mom, but I liked it. 

Good week this week. Did you know in Las Vegas there are 7-11 gas stations that blast classical music to keep away rougher crowds? Who knows if it works, but it's pretty sweet. They also don't have painted street lines but have these sort of colored bumps. Interesting.

Also, the world is EVEN SMALLER than I thought last week! We went to help a new member move in, and the elders quorum president is from Soyapango, El Salvador! I told him that I was there for a while and he said, "Oh, you must know so and so!" And that was the father of ANOTHER family I ate lunch with every day! He knew all about their giant dog and everything. And later he talked to him and the member remembered me because I played the harmonica. Then, get this, the elders quorum pres points to his first counselor and tells me he was mission companions with that guy! I've gone on missionary visits in Las Vegas with someone who was comps with someone who gave me food every day in El Salvador! It blows me away.

Another little moment was when we were biking along and a car was stuck right where the road turned into a parking lot. One guy was in the driver's seat, and another guy had just stopped to help and said, "Hey, do you guys want to help push?" I most definitely did. After, the guy said,  "You showed up just at the right minute!" Yes sir, that is what we do.

I also discovered a can of shaving cream in our apartment. I've always shaved with good old fashioned soap or with an electric razor, so I thought I'd try it out just for fun. I don't know if the quality of shave was increased, but it was a strangely delightful sort of cloud substance. So there's a good milestone.

UNLV is like 5 minutes away, so sometimes when we go running in the morning or are outside and have to make some calls we'll go there to explore a little. College campuses are always pretty and have lots of benches and things. We also have almost nightly hackey-sack sessions.

Las Vegas has some characters. We talked to one drunk guy with a knife on his neck and his hip, and he told us that he was also a professional mormon under Joseph Smith. There are plenty of people that just aren't that interested and some that are just kind of mean. Like the guy that rolled down his window and yelled, "You're going to $%*@!" as he drove past. But then there are lots of people that are just so so good and so prepared for the gospel it's crazy. Like the super cool lady I mentioned that we taught and then referred. We saw her again and talked, and she said, "You know, after you guys left, my daughter has been really into this baptism thing. She was like, 'Mom, is that something I can do?'" That was after one lesson! And we didn't even really talk about baptism! There are other people who are like that too. 

We were biking along and one young man unrolled his window and said, "Hey! Hey! Jesus loves you!" Another rougher looking guy that I doubt was a member was on the side of the road and yelled, "Go teach God's children! Go save the world! Go save the world! We're proud of you! Go, go go!" It was just this random guy! I love Vegas. And I love when God gives you these little reminders that there are good people out there. Also, it is over 100 every day! Woo-hoo!

So anyway. We met our new mission president, Pres. Rodarte. He is cool and still has three kids living at home. Last P-Day was awesome because we went to Sea-Quest, which is free for missionaries! We got to pet the sting-rays and star fish and a capybara. It was way cool. Someone thought we worked there and asked us where they could find duck food. Also three different people in Walmart today asked us where to find various products. Then this P-Day we went to the Spy Outlet! It was this cool little store owned by a member. It had like hidden cameras, secret compartments, and everything! He had all these swords and knives and switch-blades and survival things. There were like soda cans and shampoo bottles that were secret safes. So many cool things. He also taught us how to pick locks! I am now the proud owner of a lock-picking set (with a 50% missionary discount!).

Good times here on the mission. I testify that the Gospel is true. I think that sometimes missionary work and life has a lot of downs or discouraging times, but there are so many little mercies and blessings that God gives us just to brighten up our day. A little light illuminates a lot of dark. Life is good. Men are that we might have joy. Sorry if the emails get a little long sometimes. 

Elder Harris

Here we have a giant William Wallace sword, a soda can trick, a raptor statue, some UNLV pics, Seaquest, a giant beetle, and the recipe for happiness.

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