Wednesday, August 12, 2020

Aug. 11, 2020 -- Day in the Life

Good morning everybody. 

This week has been one of several firsts:
- First time locking myself out of the apartment and needing the zone leaders to come let us back in
- First time teaching a lesson to a white person. For being out 13 months, that was an odd realization.
- First confirmed sleep-talking. Elder Parker said he woke up and heard me saying, "That's great, now next in the lesson..." before drifting back off. Teaching in your sleep. Must be some sort of new level.

Elder Parker and I also figured out that if you hit the pressure plate sensor behind the apartment gate at just the right spot, you can open it! No more walking through gates for us. Today for his first ever field P-Day we went to SeaQuest, which was fun. He is super cool and we get along well. We have little push-up contests every night before bed, and so far my best was to tie. We're getting up there in the numbers though. He got me some good muscle twitches in the pecs, but I got him back with my Mike Tyson prison cell leg day. We also beat me and Elder Webber's personal hackey-sack record. Shout-out to Noah Stuart for hooking up the hackey-sack life clear back since the first MTC days.  

Our district is super cool. Only one guy in the district is actually originally called to our mission, and everyone else is reassigned from various Spanish-speaking countries. We have four pairs of missionaries in one ward, although one pair also covers an english ward. That's the most missionaries in any ward in the whole mission! Kind of cool. The members are so good and are so willing to help with the work and feed us even though they have crazy lives.

If you remember the first person I invited to be baptized here, it was the super nice guy from El Salvador (home away from home). This Sunday we didn't have church, but a member brought him to the church building and we gave him a tour. He even dressed up all in white and had got some new shoes. He is such a solid, sincere, guy. His baptism is becoming more and more of a reality! 

The bishop and I were talking about pupusas from El Salvador, and he said how they always visit this one restaurant called Boomwalos . . . which I have totally been to! Such a small world.

Missionary work is tough sometimes, but so worth it. Wouldn't be anywhere else. Such a happy, clean, wholesome life. It is hard to not just feel good when you get up with the sunrise, for fun you crank out a solid workout, and then you work hard all day. You go to bed and it just feels great. Very happy. Seeing someone come a little closer to Christ is just indescribably cool. Nothing else is quite like it.

God be with you till we meet again,

Elder Harris

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