Tuesday, January 19, 2021

Jan. 19, 2021 -- Some Shifting Sands

One of my favorite things about the last couple months has just been getting to be in a lot of meetings with President Rodarte and various stake presidents.  I think every now and then I start feeling like I kind of have things figured out, but then you spend a little time with all these spiritual giants and you can practically see the Holy Ghost radiating off of them and I realize I still have a long ways to go. But I love learning from so many powerful leaders. 

Our English classes are coming along! It amazes me how much it allows us to build connections with people that then make teaching them the gospel so natural. A little service truly makes a big difference. Our mission had a super awesome opportunity come up where a nonmember internet TV producer came to and enjoyed an English class and wanted to film a live weekly TV segment on their station! We were super excited to see what happened with it. Then our mission president called Elder Gastelum and I and asked us to teach the class, so we were still super excited but also way more nervous, haha. We went to the studio, and he had movie cameras, microphones, lights, a green screen -- the works. We went live last night and taught a half-hour class with a 'motivational thought' at the end (although we snuck in a little scripture verse without saying that that's what it was).  We've already hit over a 1000 views since last night, and that was just episode 1! So anyway. It is pretty exciting. The idea is that hopefully we can reach thousands of people in Las Vegas, and in the live lesson, we tell them about the in-person classes we have in the chapels. I'll put the link at the bottom if you're curious to see what it looks like.

But we have been loving things here. Elder Gastelum is a great missionary. One of our English students came to church just a week and a half after we met her, and afterwards we gave her a building tour with a recently returned missionary and someone from the relief society and invited her to be baptized and she said yes! She is super awesome and always asks us what part of the Book of Mormon she should read next. 

My trainee Elder Parker went to Mexico this morning! I love that man and was super excited for him.

We got some sad news yesterday. Our companionship was ready to lay down some heat, but we are being separated! President called and asked me to be one of the assistants. I'm not actually even sure what the assistants do, but so far I know that we get to drive a red Tacoma, which seems awesome, and that we have to take missionaries to the airport tomorrow by 4:00 am, which was a little less awesome, haha. But seriously I am just very grateful and humbled to be able to work a lot with President Rodarte and his family. There is work to be done! I'm also super excited because the other assistant is Elder Stewart, who was my zone leader when I first got here. He is from Canada and is an awesome missionary. Here we go, I guess!

'Til we meet,

Elder Harris

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