Tuesday, December 3, 2019

Dec. 2, 2019 -- Ice in El Salvador?

Hello everybody.

No, there was no ice in El Salvador. But! We did watch Frozen 2 in Spanish to celebrate Thanksgiving with the other missionaries in the zone. Little bit of wintertime cheer, haha.

I felt a little like Spiderman in the original movie (the best one) this morning as I was sprinting down the street chasing a bus when it pulled out right before we arrived. We ran for a long ways but it was fun to open up the throttle a little bit and stretch the legs.

The other day we saw some middle-aged white people that were off touristing. I have no idea why they were all the way out in Jucuapa. It was very surreal. The first white people I've seen that were not missionaries. And I saw a 70 once, I guess, but that´s it. 

Thanksgiving was kind of fun. It was P-Day, and that night we went to our teaching appointment with investigator Ronald. We've been teaching him for a while, and he's not there yet, but I am very confident that at some point he's going to get baptized. He is super cool and loves reading and studying the scriptures. Anyway, we got to his house and after a brief lesson he said that he knew that today was a special day for us Americans and brought out some chicken and a little meal for us, which was just super nice. It was fun to celebrate a little bit. There is a picture of us in his house with the Elders Quorum president Juan Yanes and some other folks. 

Also, this week we had our first baptism! Michell is 9 years old and just super excited about the Gospel. She memorized word for word the first vision story that is in the Book of Mormon with pictures for kids. She is super cool and loves the scriptures. Anyways, her family had been less active in the church for 8 months or so, and we started visiting them and helping them, and then they started going to church again! It was a very happy day. I´m sure she would have gotten baptized at some point without us, but we were lucky to be here and get to know their family and have a little part in their return to the church. Attached are pictures of us at the baptism with her family. Her dad, Hno. Noé baptized her, and they had cake and piñata, so it was lots of fun. They're a great family.

That's it for this week. Also pictured is a Sister Nichol's candy bar and two stalwarts of the church here, Hno. Morales who was the chef in the Joseph Smith building and cooks for us, and Hno. Eduardo, who was in the Elder's Quorum but is now in the bishopric after only 10 months or so in the church. He reminds me a lot of Adam Allred. Maybe it's just the mustache and muscles, but he's super cool.


Elder Harris

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