Monday, December 30, 2019

Dec. 24, 2019 -- I'm Dreaming of a White Christmas...

Hello everyone! 

Turns out that in Latin America, Christmas is the 24th, which is why I am writing today. It is kind of surreal, with all the heat it doesn't really feel like Christmas. Kind of just like the randomly threw Christmas into the summer.

The other day we saw a middle-aged tourist couple. One was from Great Britain (shoutout to Elder Ireland, old British roomie) and one was from Holland. It was very weird to talk to people in english. It feels so strange to bear my testimony or anything in english. Spanish is just much more natural now, haha. I never used to believe missionaries when they said that. 

I was thinking the other day that just last year indoor track was starting up and I was part of it. That life seems so far away, kind of strange. Once I was watching General Conference with Boston and Avalon Marker and an apostle mentioned something about the "Ultimate Brotherhood" of the priesthood and Boston leaned over to me and whispered, "He's obviously never met the Weber hurdle squad." Haha, those were some good times. Boston and Brandon Jaskowiak and everyone.

The other day we were waiting for the bus on a jungle road and then out of nowhere I hear Star Wars! I turn around and in the little house behind us there's Luke on Dagobah with Yoda. Good old Star Wars. I think it should be added to the official church doctrinal material. If I'm an apostle one day I'll make sure that gets done.

I have a new comp! He is my first one NOT from Texas. Elder Arroyo from Guatemala. He is pretty cool and I like him. We get along well. He connects with people well. The funny thing is that out of everyone in the mission, my new comp is the elder that I had to share a bed with when we went to the capital for the Christmas activity. 

We also had another earthquake recently. I don't even know if this is newsworthy, because we have a lot, haha. But I enjoy them. 

Man, people say the mission is hard, and I don't know if I really believed that either until I got here. It is true. But I also just find myself really really loving it. I don't even know why. But it is a lot of fun. 

Today to celebrate Christmas we went to Wendy's for maybe my third time in the mission. Going to places like that or Pizza Hut is just super weird. It is like a strange teleporter machine that takes my from El Salvador back to the states. Everything is exactly the same, even lots of signs in english and stuff. They were playing American Christmas songs, which I enjoyed. Very surreal. If Wendy's feels so strange, I imagine going home is just going to be crazy.

Anyways, just living the life out here. Thanks for the birthday wishes. Merry Christmas tomorrow.

Elder Harris

Pictured is me with the age old Harris Christmas tradition of drawing Christmas pictures on Ritz crackers with Squeezy Cheez. Man. Best tradition ever. Also me with a giant toronja that we cut down from a tree. They are like giant oranges that are red inside. And the one and only Elder Arroyo.

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