Saturday, January 18, 2020

Jan. 13, 2020 -- Pancake Ice Cream

Hello hello hello,

Well, here we are on the 13th of January, 2020, and I officially have over 6 months on the mission. It is so surreal. Your whole life in primary and young mens you talk about eventually going on a mission, but it seems so far away. Then you get there, but it still doesn't feel real. Now it's already 25% over and I still feel like I'm just starting. Holy smokes, I don't understand how time works. 

Yes, I did try pancake flavored ice cream this week and enjoyed it. I still continue in my unofficial job as the most mediocre ward keyboardist in the entire church, fumbling through playing the top note (or sometimes the entire right hand if I am feeling daring!) on songs I have never played until the same day. Yeesh. It is humbling, haha.

I have once again developed a nice scab from smacking my head on the bathroom door frame too many times. I would be interested to know if I have grown at all or gained or lost weight, but there is nothing here to measure with. 

The drunks here always are best friends with every white person they see and shout things like, "Hey you Canadian man!" 

In some super good news this week, our investigator Damary is going to get baptized this Saturday and asked me to do the baptism, so I am super pumped. This will be the first that I actually perform. She is a super cool 17 year old girl. A little shy and super smart. She started working in the market for Hna. Irma, her aunt, where we eat lunch every day. We taught her a couple times a week there in the market. She lives in another city where there aren't missionaries or the church or anything, and she travels like an hour to go to church every Sunday. She is just super cool. We had to travel to her city, Nueva Granada, to get permission to baptize her from her parents. It went very well and they were very friendly. Her Mom said that one day she just came home and said she didn't want to drink coffee anymore, and she was like, "alright, if you want." We bought her a big thing of Nesquik to help. Good old Nesquik. Who knew it was a tool of the Gospel. Anyways, any extra prayers you can send her way this week to help her take this step would be super great!

Another little spiritual experience that made me laugh was when we were out looking for some guy we had never met in a neighborhood we had never entered before. Here in the little cities of El Salvador, a direction is a good one if it has like a landmark and the color of the house, haha. We just had his name and the name of his neighborhood, so we just started asking people if they knew him. After walking and asking for about 25 minutes, we gave up and turned around. I said a little silent prayer and asked, "Father, please help us to be able to find this guy." I kid you not, 30 seconds after the prayer a lady in a bakery we had already asked for directions in shouted through the window, "Hey, did you guys find the person you were looking for yet? Because someone with that name lives 3 doors down on the corner by the cemetery." We hadn't even seen this lady before, she must have just overheard us asking someone else. I almost was a little startled and laughed at how quickly and exactly that prayer was answered. We found the house right away. I have gained a huge testimony of prayer out here. Especially that we can always pray for comfort and that God will always help us bear our burdens if we ask, even if he doesn't always take them away.

See you all around!

Pictures this week include a nice older guy we taught, me chilling with a little bird, the coolest nativity I have ever seen, and another random jacket that I foolishly decided to buy even though it is too hot to want to use it.

Elder Harris

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